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    Lizete Upīte is an animation film director from Latvia. Lizete began her audiovisual media studies at the Baltic Film and Media School in Estonia, but after Erasmus exchange studies in Portugal, she changed her major to animation. 

    In 2013 she graduated from La Poudrière, school of directing animation, in France. Her graduation film, the short animation “Night on the Lake”, was made with participation of Arte France and screened in several festivals around the world, also receiving the Latvian National Film Award “Lielais Kristaps” as the best student film.

    Since then Lizete has been working on several international animation film projects as a director, editor and script advisor. She has directed and animated her own animation short films, namely, “Night Walks” (LV / 2018/ 6’) and “Riga’s Lilac” (FR, LV / 2019 /14’).

    With “Riga’s Lilac” Lizete took part in several pitching forums including the Baltic Pitching Forum, the European Short Pitch and Annecy Mifa pitches. The film received the “Lielais Kristaps” award as the best short film.


    Don't hesitate to contact me:


    oo371 22015294 (latvia)


  2. Née en 1987, Lizete Upīte est une réalisatrice de films d'animation lettonne.

    Lizete a d'abord mené des études audiovisuelle dans la Baltic Film and Media School, en Estonie, puis après un échange Erasmus au Portugal, a obliqué vers l'animation. En 2013, après avoir terminé La Poudrière en France, elle travaille sur plusieurs projets d'animation puis réalise ses deux premiers films, “Night Walks” en 2018, produit par Atom Art (Lettonie) puis “Lilas de Riga” en 2019, coproduit par Papy3D (France) et Atom Art (Lettonie).